Sources : forum officiel de Blizzard
1/ Les mots runiques permettant d’attribuer à n’importe quelle classe certaines aptitudes spécifiques à une classe ne sont plus au programme dans D3 :
Build items that give you other class abilities? Hell yes I’m going to start playing again, that sounds AWESOME. But which abilities were given determined the long-term effects. Also, in their defense, they’re generally very difficult runewords to create under normal circumstances. It’s fairly easy to justify creating some of these things with the idea that only a few people will be running around with these powers.
As it relates to Diablo III, I wouldn’t say « never », but providing a way to gain access to other class abilities is not something we’re looking to or planning on implementing in the foreseeable future. I think if at some point years after the game is released we need some way to spice things up, honestly it’s one fairly easy way to do it. I also think we have enough knowledge and know how and experience to be able to intelligently control such things. But I would also hope that those smarts could maybe help us find better ways to keep things interesting.
2/ On ne trouvera dans D3 aucun type d’armes ou d’armures différent de D2 ; on reste sur un gameplay classique.
I don’t think throwing in new weapon types is necessary to keep weapons interesting, or that because we haven’t added a bunch of new ones means that we’re somehow failing.
We’re dealing with very classic weapons and types. Adding more for the sake of having more doesn’t mean it’s going to be better. And really, adding more at this point probably means that we’re going to start coming up with some really weird stuff.
Concentrated coolness.
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3/ Le level cap fixé à 100 ? Un level cap à la WoW accessible à tous, ou un level cap à la D2 accessible uniquement aux hardcore gamers ? La question fait débat
Oh me oh my. Level cap is undergoing some pretty big discussion at this point. I’d expect more info at BlizzCon.
And you ask « How is 99 or 100 a big discussion? » and I say « It’s not. »
Non, pas de date de sortie encore. La tendance est quand même à la déviance « wowienne » de Diablo, plus accessible, moins « compliqué » et « hardcore », espérons que Blizzard pensera quand même aux hardcores gamers en permettant des systèmes de jeu profonds.
Pas de news sur une éventuelle date de sortie ? 🙂
J’ai hâte qu’il sorte, ça promet que du bon ^^